Secretary's Report looks towards possible Trust or Company formation for the Group.
West- End Report: Active members dramatically increased (details given). Further surveying at the Melksham Link. The possibility of a linear nature reserve is being discussed with a land owner at Lacock. At Calne negotiations have begun with Lord Shelburne for access to, and work on, his section of the canal.
Central News; MSC work at Moredon is proceeding and a scheme is being organised to renovate the Aqueduct.
Walks, water & wildlife: An interesting article by Richard Porter on the amenity value of canals and even unnavigable old canal routes in town and country.
EastEnders are looking for a co-ordinator
The Wilts & Berks Canal by L J Dalby New Edition to be published in late September.
Secretary's Report: A new Chairman and Consultant Engineer, Noel Griffiths has been appointed, but a Treasurer and Membership Ssecretary are urgently required.
West Wiltshire DC: Policy Statement on the K&A; and W&B; Canals (Pages 4 to 7) showing broad support for the concept of restoration. (See Also WestEnd report Page 8).
WestEnd Report: Survey results on River Avon depths and bank contours have been received from John Walters and further studies are likely. At Calne work has continued between the lock and Chaveywell Bridge. Discussions have taken place with landowners on the Seven Locks area about possible extension of the Dauntsey to the east.
A week in the life....of a Foxham Fund Day organiser.
Central News: A walk by Keith Walker with the Thamesdown Environmental Forum who are endeavouring to save an area which also includes the original W&B; route.
Southern Canals Association 20th April: Monmouthshire, Brecon and Abergavenny Canals Trust hosted at Newport.
Secretary' Report: An application has been made to D of E for a Grant towards a full-time manager for the Group. A Treasurer is still desperately needed.
WestEnd Report: Contacts with Councils and Appeals for finance for certain projects. At Calne Chaveywell Bridge parapets are finished and the canal prepared for dredging. North Wilts DC have a Community Programme Scheme which has performed a number of impressive tasks. Dredging of the Canal at Lord Shelburne's section and Castle Park is being organised and the District Planning Dept. is seeking funds from the Council for dredging. At Foxham work parties have re-started and 2 crossings on Bob Kinch's farm north of the Locks will need bridging. The aim is to produce a continuous length of restored canal for 3/4 of mile. At Dauntsey Lock proposals for restoration above the lock for a trip boat. Group opposition to Planning application for 3 houses at the lock site. The amenity area is now 4 miles long and an appeal to cover the costs has been made.
Central News: An open meetings at Nythe was held to discuss Swindon Canals and possible routes for the future.
Wilts & Berks Canal opens at Abingdon ( Sept 19th 1810)
Archivist's Report on various matters.
Secretary's Report: The post of EastEnd Co-ordinator has been filled (by 2 people) and an Advanced Planning Co-ordinator - a new post - has been appointed. Unfortunately the Grant towards a full-time Manager has been turned now.
WestEnd Report: Dredging costs at Calne are more than estimated so new requests for grants are needed. This plus environmental considerations will delay work for 6 months. A co-ordinator and more active people are needed before investigating problems in connecting Calne to the Main Line. Dauntsey Lock Amenity area: Planning Permission for house building on the canal site was refused but the owner will appeal so work is on hold. However, discussions to define the work to be done at 7 locks are to take place and a go-ahead for a Heritage Trail has been given. Work continues at Foxham.
Central News: Discussions on restoration of the canal to the east of Swindon have continued. The opening of the canal site at Moredon is scheduled for July. The Moredon canal may form part of a major footpath route.
EastEnders: A very interesting article by EastEnd co-ordinators, Peter & Val Scratchard, who live very near the canal.
Southern Canals Association: Conference at Devizes on Feb 15th 1987
Extract from Tom Brown's Schooldays
Secretary's Report: A new treasurer has been appointed. Increased activity means a need for more helpers including a Publicity Officer and Working Party Co-ordinator.
Wilts & Berks Canal Liaison Group: The setting up and activities of this Group.
WestEnd Report; Evermore active members are needed. A Fund Raising Officer and an Official photographer are recent arrivals. At 7 Locks improvement of the Towpath is planned. Work on the Towpath at Foxham aims at a canal trail. The Castle Park section of the canal at Calne awaits dredging. Proposals at Chippenham and Melksham are reported.
Central News: Various aspects of the routes through Swindon are noted and the Opening of the Moredon canal is reported
EastEnders: A 1st meeting was called by the new Co-ordinators (15 present). A last ditch attempt has been made to persuade Authorities to provide a bridge over the canal between Grove Top Lock and the Denchworth Road. Good support for a organised canal walk on May 17th
Southern canals Association: Trip to Basingstoke Canal in April
Tenth Anniversary Edition
Cover Picture: Browns Excavation at work, Calne, October 1987
Ten years On...the Secretary looks back over a decade of downs and ups
Read this article in "The Story of the Trust - The first 10 years"
The membership now stands at 206
Review of year Chairman's Report to the AGM
WestEnd report: Comments on various schemes including Melksham/Lacock. At Calne we now have 300 yds of navigable canal complete with its bridge. Quite a bit of tidying up remains to be done. NACRO should be able to start work soon on 7 locks. Dauntsey Lock appeal has now reached £4000. Work Parties are continuing at Foxham.
EastEnders report; Various negotiations and possibilities for future restoration are discussed.
Cover Picture: WRGers at Foxham
Secretary's Report is about the support of IWA financially and with the move of the W&B; towards Company status.
Melksham Waterway: Studies are now looking towards restoration to the East of the Town rather than the previous Avon-Link.
WestEnd Report: Proposals are set out for a walking/cycling path from Chippenham to Lacock. Sections of the Canal to be restored and eventually the Main Line restored to full navigation. Current & future work by NACRO is reported. IWA have helped with clearance work at Foxham and the landowner, Bob Kinch, has done clearance and bridge construction work.
Working Party Activities Past & Future are decribed.
Dauntsey Lock Appeal stands at £2571
Canal Enterprise: Historical article from the 'Swindon Guide' for 1884
A Year of Achievement: Chairman's Report to AGM
Secretary's Report: The Group is now a Company Limited by Guarantee.
WestEnd Report: Details of the Melksham Waterway Scheme have been presented. Calne section was the venue for small boats on its Canal Day.
Central News: Various plans, projects and problems are discussed.
EastEnders: Permission has now been granted to start work between Grove Top Lock and Limekiln Lock aiming at 300 yds of restored and re-watered canal.
Cover Photo: Pete Smith and the intrepid Winter WRGers at Elm Farm
Canal Clean-Up: An article from the 'Wantage Herald' Jan 5th 1989. (See EastEnders report for this and other work)
Swindon Memories by White horse; This article appeared in the Swindon Review June 1961
Cover Picture: At the Calne official opening. From right to left: The Earl of Shelburne, Mayor of Calne, Councillor Mjrs E Syms, Noel Griffiths, John Henn
Editorial: Mentions current good relations with nature Conservation Groups but also need for the Group to have its own Conversation Officer. Noel Griffiths has resigned as Chairman and a new Editor is to take over the magazine - Geoff Newland.
Notice of AGM includes visit to Canal sites to be made.
Official Opening of Chaveywell Wharf Calne, reported in detail, was a great success.
A Work party at Foxham, Elm Park and Dauntsey, over the Christmas / New Year period is described in lively detail.
Restoration Progress: The first half of 1989 has seen great activity along the line of the Canal. There are now 6 work sites. Work is described by Peter Smith, Work Party organiser. Forthcoming Work Parties are listed.
Editor's Desk: The new Editor Geoff Newland pays tribute to Richard Porter the previous Editor and also describes the move to home computer for Editorial Work.
Secretary's Report stresses the availability of Deeds of Coverent for subscriptions to increase revenue.
WestEnd Report Devolution in the form of Wootton Bassett branch and a WestEnd (South) branch. In spite of exciting developments at Calne local help is hard to come by. However, contact with and help from local authorities are going well. There are various restoration plans at Chippenham.
Wootton Bassett Area Report: News from the new group appears for the first time.
Jack Dalby: A warm obituary for a well-liked and respected Canal enthusiast whose interest in the W&B; stretched back to 1960's
WestEnd Report: The idea of 'lengthsmen' is mentioned. North Wilts DC has passed a motion to put a policy statement in the local plan which will protect the canal line. The Melksham Waterway and its benefits are discussed. The formation of the Calne branch and various activities are reported. Chippenham notes include successful opposition to proposals to fill in the remains of the canal spur
Work Parties Report: Activities of various sites are reported.
National Waterways Survey - Extract from English Heritage Conservation Bulletin.
Cover Picture: Construction work in progress at Foxham top lock. Some of the 7000 bricks being laid.
Secretary's Report reflects on the decrease in this section coverage because of the advent of Regional Co-ordinators' Reports elsewhere. Dept of the Environment's Special Grants Programme - again been unsuccessful
Work parties Report covers 3 pages. Photographs are shown on the inside back cover of work at Foxham Top Lock.
EastEnd Report is an insert but a long one, with details of work, plans, negotiations etc
Cover Picture: Val Scatchard, Dave Banner & Roy Murrell removing the last tree stump from Elm Farm Amenity Area.
Secretary's Report: Mainly about subscriptions but also announcing Peter Scatchard ( Formerly EastEnd Co-ordinator) as the new Chairman.
Editors Notes: Various events and activities are mentioned, including HTV filming at Calne due to be broadcast in October.
WestEnd News: The Official re-opening of the K&A; is reported. Work Parties are various W&B; locations are discussed. it is hoped to form a Lyneham branch.
EastEnders: A committee as been established with Ian Graham as the new Co-Ordinator. A highly successful Work Camp was filmed by Central TV and attracted many visitors to the canal. Elm Farm amenity area now looks like a canal.
Cover Picture: The first Swindon Work party (See East End report)
From the Secretary: Chris Toms to be Membership Secretary. Problems with Standing orders not being amended to the new rate.
WestEnd: An explanation is given of the re-organisation of structure of the Branches now having direct links with the Trust Council. A new Bath & Bristol Branch is announced. There is a plan to buy a trip boat of novel design (Hypozomata) which could be moved from one part of the canal to another. Interesting details are given.
Allen & Harris are carrying out a study of the route of the old W&B; Canal on behalf of the Trust Group.
Central Section: A survey of the proposed new canal section up to Coate is nearly completed and some tidying work is to begin. At Wootton Bassett full restoration of part of the canal is to go ahead. Branch members are also surveying the canal from Wootton Bassett to Seven Locks.
EastEnd: Work at Elm Farm and Limekiln Lock is described.
Work parties; Current & future work is reported