Cover Photo: George (driving) and Derek arriving at Drayton Lock in the new dumper truck.
Around the Branches looks at what has been happening along the line.
Among the letters to the Editor are further lively replies to the earlier subject 'So Do We Want To Restore The Wilks & Berks Canal For Restoration ?'
Conservation Corner: A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment by CanalGen
Part 4 Dragonfly, Damselfly and Duckweed
Cover Photo: Moredon Aqueduct - in the early stages of restoration
A brief Editorial appears critical of the Council of Management
Chair Chat - again quite brief. Tony Davy has taken over as Chairman. He speaks particularly about restoration of the canal developing into a local government project, giving much more creditiblity with public.
Around the Branches looks at activities along the line. Bristol & Bath continue their 'roving commission'; Melksham have a programme of walks examining 3 alternative routes, round or through Melksham. At Calne a new spillway has been completed. There is an update of work at Dauntsey including the canalside properties. 4 houses are on the market.
Dumpers; Following from Dragonfly No 60's front cover, an article on the use of dumpers for canal work.
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment by CanalGen Part 5 Ecotone
Cover Picture: The 1st Wilts & Berks Canal Trail Boat Rally at Wootton Bassett
The reports from Around the Branches include a mention from the Melksham Rally, important for those who want to see a navigable waterway at Lacock. For Foxham and Lyneham details are given for continuing work on the Lock at Dauntsey. The Wootton Bassett report is about the 1st Trail Boat Rally on the Wilts & Berks.
A letter to the Editor believes now is the right time for a feasibility study. This was not so 5 years ago when it would have "seen us laughed out of every office, farm yard and council office around"
How to Restore a Lock; A general description given by Luke Walker
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 6 Fish
Cover photo Damsel Fly
W&B; on the Internet - An article by Doug Small
Dumpers revisited Following from an article about dumpers in issue 61, a short observation from George Eycott
Restoration Matters features visiting and regular work parties, and the work of the Restoration Committee
Planning a Restoration site - an article by Paul Pennycook
Among the News from IWA is that Gloucester CC has approved £250,000 expenditure on a navigation culvert under the Latton Bypass
Moredon Aqueduct It is anticipated that the grade 1 listed aqueduct will be fully restored by the middle of 1997
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 7 Gastropods and Grass
Cover Photo: Chaveywell Bridge, Calne. Used extensively on early WBCAG Literature
Chair Chat notes that the Feasibility Study will be underway in the very near future. It also announces that the Trust legally came into existence on March 24th
There are 4 double pages of Around the Branches.
Restoration Matters gives a roundup of progress at all the restoration sites.
History File is a new regular feature. In this issue is "Wilts & Berks Canal" taken from Henry Taunt's "Illustrated Map of the Thames" 1895
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 8 Herons and Hydrophites
Cover Photo; Jonny Morris (a vice - president) officiating at the inauguration of the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust at Wootton Bassett (Vic Miller)
In connection with the Land Fill Tax Scheme, Barge Waste Management Ltd., have donated £20,000 to the Group. They intend to give the Group a further £24,000 each year for the next 10 years.
In Chair Chat Tony Davey explains the relationship between the Amenity Group and the recently formed Trust.
Report of the Council of Management includes items on funding, land ownership and restoration projects.
Publicity & Fund-Raising activities are featured in a 2 page article
History File Part 2 of the interesting account of the Wilts & Berks Canal from Henry Taunt's "Illustrated Map of the Thames" continues with a day spent on a narrow boat.
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 9 Iris and Insects
Cover Photo: Work on the third river channel of Moredon Aqueduct. Swindon members and Ron Robertson (right) in a bit of a hole (Henry Smith)
Chair Chat mentions the forming of another Trust - Cricklade Corridor Trust. Also reported is that N Wilts DC (as a member of the W&B; Trust) is taking steps to purchase land which contains half a mile of Canal which has come onto the market.
Around the Branches looks at work and events along the line from Bristol & Bath to Abingdon. Melksham reports on 2 successful events - the West Wilts Show and the Semington Boat Rally. From West Vale there is a report on the "soon & rapid" progress on the Shrivenham Canalside Park. Wootton Bassett are to host the National Trail-Boat Festival in May 1998.
History File; a further extract on the Wilts & Berks Canal from Henry Taunt's "Illustrated Map of the Thames" describing the Canal from Swindon to Semington.
Henley; A Personal View. Tim Preece's account of IWA National Waters Festival
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 10 J for Jumpers - animal and vegetable !
Cover Photo: There seems to be no reference to this picture in this issue.
Chair Chat describes a successful one day tour by Councillors and Officers from the various local Authorities from the Canal Trust. This was useful practice for a BBC Documentary to be filmed in October at Moredon & Wootton Bassett. It also speaks of the departure from the Council of Management of Paul Pennycook, the Project Officer.
Around the Branches reports interesting details of progress along the line from Bath & Bristol, who continue to work at various Canal sites to Abingdon where work continues apace on the clearance of Drayton Lock.
Chippenham Tunnel: A History written by Simon Nuttall
Publicity & Fund Raising: Doug Small gives details of a BBC2 programme, Trail-Boat Festival, and Internet news.
Landfill Tax Credit Scheme A picture of Chairman, Henry Smith receiving a cheque from Crapper & Sons Ltd
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 11 Kingcups and Kingfishers
Cover Photo: David Horton's excavator retires after a day's dredging at Wootton Bassett
Chair Chat: An expert, independent study has shown that restoration of the W&B; is possible and economically viable. This is among other very positive items of news.
Around the Branches. News from Bath & Bristol, Melksham, Calne & Chippenham, Foxham & Lyneham, Wootton Bassett, Swindon, West Vale, East Vale and Abingdon.
History File: Part 2 Some notes of a Summer cruise on the Inland Waters
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 12 Larvae and Lilies
Cover Photo: Boats, Tents and People, IWA National Trail-Boat Festival, Wootton Bassett, May 1998
Around the Branches features interesting progress reports, and accounts of branch participation in the IWA Trail Boat Festival held at Wootton Bassett.
The Report of the Council of Management gives an overview of the Group's activities for the year, including the list of restoration works.
Notes on the IWA Trail Boat Festival and acknowledgments of support and contribution .
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 13 Mallards, Moorhens and Maples.
Cover Photo: Calne Scouts take part in the raft race at the Canal Fun Day, Calne (B Small)
The Editorial celebrates the production of a map of the Canal showing sections which have been restored. A copy is shown
Chair Chat Various activities over the last quarter are reported.
Publicity & Fund Raising: Doug Small received the Canal & RiverBoat Award for the Best Web Site. Dragonfly ( Editor Tim Preece,) received the Tom Rolt Award for Best Canal Society magazine.
W&BCAG; - The Early Years As part of the 21st Birthday Celebrations of the Group Neil Rumbol's article on the formation of the W&BCAG; and the subsequent years.
The IWAAC Restoration Priorities Document; A Personal View By Luke Walker. He notes that the W&B; is in category L (the lowest - ready funding for completion in more than 10 years) which would disappoint some people. There are however, may areas of the document which give very positive results for the W&B;
History File: Part of a series on a Summer Cruise on Inland Waterways which in this issue is about the W&B.;
News from IWA includes Waterway restoration priorities and water resources.
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 14 Nettles and Newts
Cover Photo Resident swans at Dauntsey (Rachael Banyard)
Chair Chat looks back at significant events of 1998 and forward to 1999
Around the Branches, plans, events and work in progress along the line
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 15 Oaks and Owls
Cover Photo: The Canal Conservation Area and the Midland & South West Junction Railway Bridge near Westlease, Swindon (Gary Mason)
Editorial Reference to the earlier published map of the canal and refers to 2nd edition (shown below).
Chair Chat: Reports that a lot of preparatory work for various projects has been completed. The Retirement of the General Secretary Chris Naish and Company Secretart Neil Rumpol are announced.
Update: Canal in Highway Fleming Way, Swindon (Following an earlier article by Dr E Tull & K Walter in Dragonfly No 53)
Press release; An account of a presentation of £24,000 in connection with Landfill Tax, by Messrs Crapper & Sons to W&BAG;
Publicity: The committee has recently asked for the words 'fund - raising' to be omitted from its title as it felt that this implied the much wider task of seeking Grants etc rather than just raising small amounts through the sale of what are largely publicity items Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 16 Pondweed
Cover Photo Little John, alias Colin Fletcher, Chairman of the Melksham branch. At the Melksham (or is it Sherwood ?) Forest Work Site
Back Cover The restoration team at Moredon, take a well earned break after completing the lock
Chair Chat: North Wilts DC ( a Canal trust partner) has bought some land on the line of the Canal at Morningside Farm, near Wootton Bassett, which includes the Summit Lock. The Trust intends to employ a Project Officer in the near future, such a post has had a very beneficial effect at the Cricklade Country Way. Graham Smith has volunteered to fill both General & Company Secretary posts.
Around the Branches: Melksham have established their own worksite to the north of the town, The 5 year 'licence to work' for a stretch of canal at Calne has been finalised with the landowner, Lord Shelburne, In Swindon there have been a number of developments, plans for work, and the lock at Moredon has been completed .
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 17 Rats & Rushes
Cover Photo; The Wilts & Berks Display stand with new cover, at the IWA National Waterways Festival, Worcester during the August Bank Holiday weekend (Peter Smith)
Editorial on Positions filled and response to request for back issues of Dragonfly
The Cricklade Country Way Trust was recently formed to promote the creation of a leisure corridor between Swindon and Cricklade. This would incorporate the restored N Wilts Canal and the Swindon & Cricklade Railway. and provide a network of footpaths and cycleways between the 2 towns
Chair Chat latest from Tony Davey
Around the Branches reports from Bath & Bristol, Melksham, Calne & Chippenham, Foxham & Lyneham, Wootton Bassett, Swindon, West Vale, East Vale, and Abingdon
The Publicity Section reports on the W&B; display and other features at the IWA National Waterways Festival. There is also a request for people to send in photographs they may have taken at W&B; related events. A brief Book Review of Doug Small's "The Wilts & Berks Canal"
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 18 Slugs, Snails & Spindles
Cover Photo: View of the new section of Kingshill, Swindon, as seen from the top of Skew Bridge (Neil Maxfield)
Chair Chat: The Trust has won the annual Christopher Power prize, jointly with Droitwich Canal trust. This is for the most significant contribution to an amenity waterway. The W&B; Group have supported the Cotswolds Canal in opposing extraction of gravel north of Cricklade, which threatened their canal. At Kingshill a couple of short restored lengths and a couple of obstructed lengths have now been joined to form one long run of canal.
Around the Branches: Information on work in hand and future plans from Bristol & Bath to Abingdon. Details are given on the work at Kingshill mentioned in Chair Chat
Building Bridges: Allan Porter explains the trials and tribulations of the construction of the new foot bridge at Wootton Bassett Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 19 Toads, Tadpoles and Traveller's Joy
Cover Photo: Andrea Riding (Great Western Community Forest) with members of Land & Water Services Ltd on the Canal at Kingshill (Josie Williams)
Chair Chat: The developers who applied to extract gravel from the Cotswolds Canal Trust Canal line, north of Cricklade have withdrawn and now intend to aid restoration. It may be that objections from the W&B; Group have helped. West Wilts DC have set up a committee to agree a route for protection in the future at Melksham.
Around the Branches; Bath & Bristol have been working out and about as always. At Melksham progress on the selection of a new route to the K&A; has been made. From Calne & Chippenham there is news that vandalism at Chaveney Bridge has been solidly repaired and that local anglers have done their bit in clearing weeds at Calne. At Dauntsey and Foxham both new and repair work continues. The Wootton Bassett branch has done substantial work on leak repair. Work at Kingshill (Swindon) has leapt forward and the canal project at Moredon has received £27,000 from Messrs Crapper and Sons Ltd. West Vale branch remains busy, working on the canal and the Canalside park. At East Vale it is hoped for a good stretch back in water by the end of the year. Abingdon Branch has called for more workers at the lock.
Melksham - A Dream not coming True. An account of the death knell of route E and the current position with the modified route G which the Wilts CC should secure in its Plan.
A Press Report (Wiltshire Times Feb 11 2000) on the award of the Christopher Power Prize to the Group.
An Important Milestone for Canal project. Based on work at Kingshill, this article from the West Wiltshire Advertiser (30 March 2000) also gives a broader picture of the Group's achievements Largest Single Funding Amount; An article on the donation of £27,000 by Messrs Crapper & Sons Ltd and its significance for the Group's work.
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 20 U for Underwater
Cover Photo Ron Robertson plays pied Piper at Beavans Bridge (Sue Morgan Jones Swindon Evening Advertiser) See also inside Back Cover. Taken from the Swindon Evening Advertiser 16 May 2000
Chair Chat. Vale of White Horse DC has asked the Group to organise a survey of the 3 routes around Abingdon in a Feasibility Study and recommend one so that it can be included in their district plan
Annual Report to 31st March 2000. This includes an overview of the year's activities and a list of restoration projects with brief comments. Around the Branches: A regular look at what has been happening along the line. Included are descriptions of bridge building from Foxham & Lyneham and Swindon
Letters to the Editor Comments on the Web Site and the location of Canal structures
Neil Rumbol - an article on the founder of the W&BCAG;
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 21 V for Voles
Cover Photo: The new bridge at Foxham under construction (D Smurthwaite)
Chair Chat announces that Chaloner Chute has been appointed as the Trust's project Officer. The Kennett DC has accepted that "in principle planning permission will be granted for a new canal cutting..."
Around The Branches continues to look at activities along the line. An interesting piece of news from Swindon is that the Borough Council in its proposals for building between Swindon and the M4, not only makes allowance for the canal but also makes it a feature of the design
Henry's Patch. Inspired by a letter from Rev Rooke (Dragonfly 77) Henry Smith writes to help members locate the restoration sites and canal landmarks frequently used in his Swindon report.
Conservation Corner A simple A to Z associated with the Canal Environment Part 22 Willows and Water Boatmen. This is the last in the series. Editor's thanks to all those involved with Canalgen for some most interesting articles. Other Canal Societies have now started to run Conservation Corner in their magazines.
Cover Photo; Santa talks to the children at Calne (Tim Preece)
Chair Chat: it is announced that following investigation by the new Project Officer the Trust will become a Partnership and the Group will adopt the name of The Trust, if agreed at the next AGM. Project Officer of the Trust Chaloner Chute Writes of his activities including details of the recommended structure of the name changes of the Trust & the Group.
Around the Branches: Among many activities along the line, Melksham Branch arranged a tour of the Route G (K&A; to old line between Melksham and Lacock) It was attended by County, District and Town Councellors and a sizeable group of the general public. They have also received a grant from Blue Circle Cement, who wish to see Canal restoration in the Melksham area. Foxham & Lyneham continue with various construction works. Wootton Bassett have continued work at Morningside Farm and Summit Lock sites. Cricklade has been set up as a new branch to focus on the stretch of Canal between Moredon Aqueduct and the junction with the Cotswold canal. In Swindon Messrs Hicks (Builders) have donated £40,000 towards the work at Kingshill
Canal Supporters' petition in support of the Waterway returning near Melksham signed by almost 200 people will be included in public responses to the Draft District Plan
Luke's Patch: In a second article inspired by Revd Rookes letter, (Dragonfly 77) Luke Walker writes to help members locate restoration sites and canal landmarks referred to in his Foxham & Lyneham reports. (1st reply from Henry Smith - Swindon in Dragonfly 78)