Swindon Wharf, SU159849
Visited: 19.6.60; 3.6.61.
Access: A420.
Photograph Nos: -
Observations: line W. from (4) ends abruptly in filling for ‘roundabout’ foundation. Wharf bldgs. &c, demolished some time ago, and Boro’ Fire Stn. erected on the site. Line W. surfaced FP on TP side. Wharf building dem. about 1956. There was large ho. “Fairholme” beside Whf, (?Wharfinger’s), dem. 1936 for Steel’s Garage site. Whf. abt. 200’ long, and cocoa factory nearby – 1/2560 O.S. Sht XV. 4 of 1886. (letter from Boro. Eng. 27.6.61).
Swindon Wharf, SU159849
Visited: 19.6.60; 3.6.61.
Access: A420.
Photograph Nos: -
Observations: line W. from (4) ends abruptly in filling for ‘roundabout’ foundation. Wharf bldgs. &c, demolished some time ago, and Boro’ Fire Stn. erected on the site. Line W. surfaced FP on TP side. Wharf building dem. about 1956. There was large ho. “Fairholme” beside Whf, (?Wharfinger’s), dem. 1936 for Steel’s Garage site. Whf. abt. 200’ long, and cocoa factory nearby – 1/2560 O.S. Sht XV. 4 of 1886. (letter from Boro. Eng. 27.6.61).
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