1.07.1 East Vale (276n)
East Vale, looking east from Drayton occupation bridge
1.07.2 East Vale (277n)
East Vale, looking west from Drayton occupation bridge
1.09 East Vale (278n)
East Vale, Basin, adjacent to Steventon Lock
1.10.1 East Vale (265n)
East Vale, looking east from Cow Common bridge
1.10.2 East Vale (266n)
East Vale, looking west, at Cow Common bridge
1.10.3 East Vale (267n)
East Vale, Arch of Cow Common Bridge
1.11 East Vale (474n)
East Vale, Ardington Marsh Lock
1.12.1 East Vale (268n)
East Vale, looking north by "Canalside Cottages"
1.12.2 East Vale (269n)
East Vale, looking south by "Canalside Cottages"
1.13.1 East Vale (539n)
East Vale, looking east, Ardington Top Lock, internal
1.13.2 East Vale (279n)
East Vale, Quarter mile above Ardington Top Lock
1.14 East Vale (271n)
East Vale, looking west from Occupation Bridge leading to Neville's Farm
1.14.2 East Vale (328n)
East Vale, looking west from road crossing, Pinmarsh bridge
1.15.1 East Vale (329n)
East Vale, looking west from Grove Bottom Lock
1.15.2 East Vale (298n)
East Vale, Occupation bridge, west of Grove Bottom Lock