THE COMMITTEE of MANAGEMENT of the WILTS and BERKS CANAL, will be ready at their next Meeting, which will be held at the Barrington Arms in Shrivenham, near Faringdon, Berks, on Friday the 25th of September next, to Contract for the cutting the said Canal from Breachfield, near Wantage, to the river Thames at Abingdon, a distance of about eight miles; for the Building of eleven Locks, and making the several Bridges and Culverts; and also for making two million and five thousand Bricks.
Plans specifications of the work may be seen at Mr. Whitworth's. the engineer, at Shrivenham, any day after the 15th of September; of whom all particulars may be known, and any proposals for the work are to be delivered at his house before the 23d of September.
The Contractors will be required to perform their work before the 31st December 1808.
THE COMMITTEE of MANAGEMENT of the WILTS and BERKS CANAL, will be ready at their next Meeting, which will be held at the Barrington Arms in Shrivenham, near Faringdon, Berks, on Friday the 25th of September next, to Contract for the cutting the said Canal from Breachfield, near Wantage, to the river Thames at Abingdon, a distance of about eight miles; for the Building of eleven Locks, and making the several Bridges and Culverts; and also for making two million and five thousand Bricks.
Plans specifications of the work may be seen at Mr. Whitworth's. the engineer, at Shrivenham, any day after the 15th of September; of whom all particulars may be known, and any proposals for the work are to be delivered at his house before the 23d of September.
The Contractors will be required to perform their work before the 31st December 1808.