ENV 08
Wharf Farm, just south of M4. Canal ran by farm buildings
Image credit: Britain from Above (1920) Calne Chaveywell Wharf & Bridge, middle right
Image credit: Britain from Above (1920) Calne Wharf, bottom right
Image credit: Britain from Above (1929) Calne Lock, Chaveywell Wharf & Bridge, bottom left and right
Image credit: Britain from Above (1929) Calne Lock, Chaveywell Wharf & Bridge, middle & right
Image credit: Britain from Above (1930) Calne Lock, Chaveywell Wharf & Bridge, bottom left and right
Faulkner Log Page 005

5 SECTION I. Abingdon to Grove Junction Canal Entrance & Abingdon Lock SU 469966 Visited:- 7.5.60:31.5.60:18.6.60:22.9.60. Access:- Photograph Nos: 280, 273, 261, 281, 346 Observations: Site entrance of lock now occupied by a small nissan-type building (see 280, 261). The lock was located approximately 40 yards northeast of Boat house on river's edge (see 280). 25" plan consulted at Borough Surveyors office (31/5) shows part of Boat Ho projecting over river, possibly had some canal purpose. Indentation of river bank ///ting canal entrance is clearly visible (280). "Old Anchor" Inn on riverside may have been resort of boatmen. SW of lock site is large house in walled grounds (no wall on C[anal]. side)

C.E. Faulkner Field Excursions 1958-66

Faulkner Log Page 018

18 12. Ardingtonmead Farm SU 426913 Visited:- 7.5.60: 6.8.60: 26.8.62: 2.9.62 Access:- TP from SU 424903 (easiest) or from ardington lane, FP access fields Photograph Nos:- 268, 269, 270 Observations:- 1:25000 map gives name as 'Canalside Cottages'. Line well defined very tall trees either bank. Footbridge (modern timber) crosses here from towpath to farm. Small one storey cottage beside towpath between farm and railway (apparently inhabited, 6/8/60), but connection with canal not obvious, building style does not seem of period. (10.9.60) learned from owner of [a house on the west bank, near Grove,] (old inhabitant of Grove) that this was the cottage of last lock keeper [Not so; this was probably Uncle Jim's cottage. See article by Chris Naish. dgs.], beat extended from Ardington Marsh (?) to Grove Top, junction Wantage Branch. Name J Steele. (26.8.62 & 2.9.62) No appreciable change.

C.E. Faulkner Field Excursions 1958-66