Section II- Wantage Branch.
1. Wantage Wharf SU 397881
Visited:- 11.9.59: 18.6.60: 13.5.61.
Access:- Mill Street Wantage
Photograph Nos:- 204, 205, 354, 366
Observations:- Basin completely filled. area contains various sheds, some sort of motor business, as many derelict vehicles about: part of original inclosing wall remains together with small building (ruinous condition) with 1830 date carved on (P204): fairly plain wharf house (P205): small weighbridge (?) [sack house Doug Small] building just within entrance gate - dilapidated as regards roof, but walls partly original brick, part renewed: one side built into wharf enclosing wall. Two small rooms ground floor (one with early 19th century cast iron fireplace)
C.E. Faulkner Field Excursions 1958-66
Section II- Wantage Branch.
1. Wantage Wharf SU 397881
Visited:- 11.9.59: 18.6.60: 13.5.61.
Access:- Mill Street Wantage
Photograph Nos:- 204, 205, 354, 366
Observations:- Basin completely filled. area contains various sheds, some sort of motor business, as many derelict vehicles about: part of original inclosing wall remains together with small building (ruinous condition) with 1830 date carved on (P204): fairly plain wharf house (P205): small weighbridge (?) [sack house Doug Small] building just within entrance gate - dilapidated as regards roof, but walls partly original brick, part renewed: one side built into wharf enclosing wall. Two small rooms ground floor (one with early 19th century cast iron fireplace)
C.E. Faulkner Field Excursions 1958-66