Mouldon Hill Short
Mouldon Hill/ Moredon Aqueduct & Locks
N. Wilts towards aqueduct
Looking towards the Aqueduct
Navvies Issue 233 Page 27
Issue 233, Feb-Mar 2009 - Pewsham, Moredon Swindon, Latton Basin
Plan of the Cetus Buildings, Medgbury Road (1of4)
Image credit: Local Studies, Swindon Central Library. Cetus Buildings, Medgbury Road drawing 1, just before the building was demolished in 1962
Plan of the Cetus Buildings, Medgbury Road (2of4)
Image credit: Local Studies, Swindon Central Library. Cetus Buildings, Medgbury Road drawing 2, just before the building was demolished in 1962
Plan of the Cetus Buildings, Medgbury Road (3of4)
Image credit: Local Studies, Swindon Central Library. Cetus Buildings, Medgbury Road drawing 3, just before the building was demolished in 1962
Plan of the Cetus Buildings, Medgbury Road (4of4)
Image credit: Local Studies, Swindon Central Library. Cetus Buildings, Medgbury Road drawing 4, just before the building was demolished in 1962
Preventing Floods  Building Canals for Better Drainage
Wichelstowe - Preventing Floods Building Canals for Better Drainage