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From Wharf, line is well-defined space between walled buildings; abt. 50’ wide w. made-up T.P. as right-of-way: to
6. York Rd. Bridge [P. 240, 373, 374].* line narrows to pass beneath; a simple plate girder + underdeck, on wing walls and abutments of ‘railway’ brick, w. steps from TP 2 sides to road levels. (3.6.61) Demolition in progress. Steelwork gone & abutment walls being broken down. Rubble foundation centre of approach embanking thus visible. (see p.72).
Line from here abt. 30 yd. rubbish, then becomes:
7. Fleming Way [P 290; 375] *. A metalled road w. pavements & lighting (Garrard factory), abt. 500 yd. long; entered by road from either Newcastle St. or end of Medgbury Rd.; W. end terminates (3.6.61) in line of posts, barring traffic; where line again becomes rough grassed space, Faulkner Log_Page_073.jpg](_data/i/upload/2024/04/09/20240409002439-86805664-me.jpg)
From Wharf, line is well-defined space between walled buildings; abt. 50’ wide w. made-up T.P. as right-of-way: to
6. York Rd. Bridge [P. 240, 373, 374].* line narrows to pass beneath; a simple plate girder + underdeck, on wing walls and abutments of ‘railway’ brick, w. steps from TP 2 sides to road levels. (3.6.61) Demolition in progress. Steelwork gone & abutment walls being broken down. Rubble foundation centre of approach embanking thus visible. (see p.72).
Line from here abt. 30 yd. rubbish, then becomes:
7. Fleming Way [P 290; 375] *. A metalled road w. pavements & lighting (Garrard factory), abt. 500 yd. long; entered by road from either Newcastle St. or end of Medgbury Rd.; W. end terminates (3.6.61) in line of posts, barring traffic; where line again becomes rough grassed space,
From Wharf, line is well-defined space between walled buildings; abt. 50’ wide w. made-up T.P. as right-of-way: to
6. York Rd. Bridge [P. 240, 373, 374].* line narrows to pass beneath; a simple plate girder + underdeck, on wing walls and abutments of ‘railway’ brick, w. steps from TP 2 sides to road levels. (3.6.61) Demolition in progress. Steelwork gone & abutment walls being broken down. Rubble foundation centre of approach embanking thus visible. (see p.72).
Line from here abt. 30 yd. rubbish, then becomes:
7. Fleming Way [P 290; 375] *. A metalled road w. pavements & lighting (Garrard factory), abt. 500 yd. long; entered by road from either Newcastle St. or end of Medgbury Rd.; W. end terminates (3.6.61) in line of posts, barring traffic; where line again becomes rough grassed space,