Survey of the Wilts & Berks and North Wilts Canals by D.L. Banfield

Points on the map are from D.L. Banfield's 1969 survey report published by the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) South Midlands in Bulletin No. 9.

Wilts & Berks Canal history and general background can be found in Bulletin No. 8.

Credit to the CBA South Midlands who promote the appreciation and care of the historic environment for the benefit of the present and future generations. Their aim is to provide information, advice and resources to those wishing to know more about the archaeology.

The report states a complete catalogue of results of Mr. Banfield's field work would eventually be deposited in the Berkshire Record Office (BRO) today known as the Royal Berkshire Archives, unfortunately they have no recors of Mr. Banfield.

01 St. Helen's Wharf

St. Helen's Wharf (inscribed stone) Abingdon, Cast Iron Bridge erected as specified in Act of 1821 over River Ock, inscribed:- "Erected by the Wilts and Berks. Canal Company: AD 1824. Cast at Agramans Bristol" This bridge has been extended in width, otherwise it is a fine specimen of contemporary cast iron work.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

02 Abingdon Lock & River

Site of Lock, Wharf and Basin now Abingdon Laundry. Fine stone wharf store exists. Nissen hut stands directly on lock chamber. Lock rise was 9ft. 6 ins. (depending on level of Thames) to the canal.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

03 Ardington Marsh Lock

Ardington Marsh Lock, exists, rises 9ft. 5 ins. Rotten gates at bottom level.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

04 Milestone

Milestone, inscription illegible (not marked on 25" Ordnance Survey of 1876). [46.5 Miles to Semington. Miletone shown on 25" OS map XIV.3 Revised 1910, Published 1912. Gary K]
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

05 Ardington Top Lock

Ardington Top Lock, rise 9ft. 5ins. Superb example of Lock left to decay • Ground paddle gear exists, top gate gone, bottom gates stand Lock cottage derelict.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

06 Pill Ditch Culvert

Fine culvert of Swindon stone for stream by Nevilles Farm. Farm bridge (arch) extinct.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

07 Grove Bottom Lock

Grove Bottom Lock rise 9ft. gins., exists. lop sill and side chambers in good condition (chamber only 7ft. bins. wide - of., 8 ft. on other locks) probably rebuilt.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

08 Smallmarsh Lock

Small March, Lock, rises 9ft. Sins., derelict. West end filled and converted to farm road. At east end gates gone but water in bed, heel post exists.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

09 Grovecommon Lock

Grovecommon Lock, rises 9ft. 3ins., This has an integral brick bridge over the west end of the chamber. Gauging stone set in wall.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

10 Letcombe Brook Aqueduct

Aqueduct rebuilt over Wantage river (Ginge Brook) as required in Enabling Act of 1894.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

11 Limekiln Lock

Linekiln Lock, rises 8ft. 9ins., part filled with rubbish and derelict. Facing brickwork, English bond, 9" x 4" x 2 3/4".
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

12 Grove Wharf

Grove Wharf, 4 wharf cottages and old public house still inhabited.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

13 Belmont Bridge

Belmont stone carriage bridge. Semi-circular stone. arch still exists, being destroyed by children.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

14 Wantage Junction

Junction with Wantage Branch.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

15 Wantage Basin

Wantage Basin. Wharfinger house, Wharf store, stable, tack room, weighbridge and toll house all exist in dilapidated condition. This site will be redeveloped soon. it's buildings are original.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

16 East Challow Wharf

Challow wharf and Iron Foundry and Bridge (extinct). (Survey required of Iron Foundry).
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

17 Woolstone Brook Aqueduct

Aqueduct of brick, 6ft. wide x 4ft. high over Woolstone brook. To west of this embankment 6ft high runs to Uffington wharf 250 yds. away.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

18 G.W.R Viaduct

G.W.R. viaduct over canal. Foundation of parapet exists on south embankment. On north embankment the brick arch sides exist.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

19 Longcot Bottom Lock

Longcot Bottom Lock, rises 9ft. 5ins. East end filled with footbridge over. Top end of chamber unfilled.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

20 Longcot Top Lock & Wharf

Canal enters cutting about 50 yds. by 12ft, deep. Longcot Old Wharf and Lock, Bridge Arch is filled and Wharf house is private residence. Longcot Upper Lock rises 9ft. and is sited to west of bridge.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

21 Longcot Junction

Junction of Longcot Branch.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

22 Longcot Wharf

Longcot New Wharf is converted to residences (2 houses). Wharf store demolished at south end.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

23 Bowles Bridge

Bowles bridge arch (filled) extinct. 100 yds. south-west of bridge canal enters an embankment three-quarters of a mile long and 6ft. high passing to south of Shrivenham.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

24 Shrivenham Arch Bridge

Shrivenham Arch Bridge exists in good condition. The base is small stone, while the parapets are of brick. As it crosses a cutting, there is no hump, hence it has been left.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

25 Bourton Wharf

Bourton Wharf buildings exist but canal is filled. It runs adjacent to A420 on south side. Arch bridge for road from Lower Bourton is extinct.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

26 G.W.R. passes over canal site and A420

G.W.R. passes over canal site and A420. The former canal is now a second carriageway for the A420.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

27 Coate Reservoir

Culvert from Coate Reservoir dated 1822, into River Cole.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

28 Drove Road Bridge

Section of canal bed exists to north-east of roundabout. Swindon Wharf site is to west of roundabout under new tower block.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

29 Junction with North Wilts branch

Junction with North Wilts branch, on shopping precinct. Pedestrian precinct is aligned on canal-bed.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

30 Milestone

Milestone set in wall (Semington 26 miles).
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

31 Commercial Road Bridge

Commercial Road passes over canal on fine stone bridge with wharf buildings alongside.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

32 Kingshill Bridge

Canal enters culvert to flow through centre of Swindon. Water in bed to vest of this point, to Rushey Platt.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

33 Railway Bridge & Aqueduct

Cheltenham & Great Western Union Railway bridge over canal. River Ray aqueducted under canal.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

34 Wroughton Wharf

Wroughton Wharf now a farm.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

35 Chaddington Lane Bridge

Chaddington Lane Bridge Arch (exists) filled. Constructed of small stone.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

36 Chaddington Lock

Chaddington Lock, falls 8ft 10ins., excavated out. Lock house remains.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

37 Wootton Bassett Wharf

Wootton Bassett Wharf at Templars Firs, house exists.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

38 Vastern Wharf

Vastern Wharf. Arch is filled, wharf buildings derelict or demolished. Ground plan is discernible, but factory building is taking place. Timber export and stone quarries here.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

39 Tockenham reservoir

At this point water enters from Tockenham reservoir. Canal also enters cutting about 20ft. deep, and 150 yds. long to Seven Locks.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

40 Seven Locks

Seven Locks, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in derelict form. Top Lock (1) is best example. Numbers 6 and 7 dug out. No.1. falls 8ft. 6ins. No.2. falls 8ft. 1in. No.3. falls 8ft. 10ins. No.4. falls 8ft. 10ins. No.5. falls 8ft. 6ins. No.6. falls 8ft. 8ins. Bowds Bridge over this. No.7. falls 8ft. 9ins.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

41 Dauntsey Lock

Dauntsey Lock, falls 8f t. 8ins., chamber filled on site 20 yds. east of A420. Lock house remains. Wharf yard and canal cottages built by Joseph Barnes lie derelict. Weighbridge exists on main road. This area to be redeveloped .
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

42 Junction with Calne Branch

Junction with Caine Branch, unfilled.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

43 Carpenters Bridge

Carpenters Bridge, a brick arch stands derelict with centre brick- work collapsed.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

44 River Marden Aqueduct

River Marden Aqueduct has been dug out to improve river conservancy. Embankment here about 12ft. high;
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

45 Calne Lock

Calne Lock chamber exists, ground paddles in situ. Lower level filled.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

46 Calne Wharf

Calne Wharf. In excellent condition, many of original buildings exist. Detailed records have been taken. Development of site is probable.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

47 Stanley Top Lock

Stanley Top Lock, falls 7f t. 11ins. chamber exists. Brick arch over south end of chamber is used to carry farm road. Lock house adjacent is overgrown and inaccessible.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

48 Stanley Bottom Lock

Stanley Bottom Lock, falls 9ft. 2ins. Brickwork sound, gates gone.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

49 Stanley Aqueduct

Aqueduct over River Marden, 2 brick arches., 12f t. wide 8f t. high. The north-east arch is collapsing and entire structure is unsafe.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

50 Chippenham Tunnel

Tunnel- 50 yds. long to terminal basin is extinct, Canal Company houses exist.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

51 Pewsham Top Lock

Pewsham Top Lock, falls 8f t. 9ins. Arch bridge at south end, part collapsed. Straps for heel posts exist at bottom gates.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

52 Pewsham Middle Lock

Pewsham Middle Lock, falls 10ft, lin., exists. Brickwork decaying overgrown.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

53 Pewsham Bottom Lock

Pewsham Bottom Lock, falls 10ft. 1in. West wall extinct (bricks removed). East wall sound. Good view of ground sluice. Spillway exists on east bank of chamber.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

54 Horse Shoe Spill Weir

Sluice on west bank to spill excess water exists.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

55 Cocklemore Brook Culvert

Aqueduct over Cocklemore Brook exists, working. Embankment here is 12ft. high about 50. yds. long.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

56 Lacock Wharf

Lacock Wharf. Bridge extinct, but wharf house exists, canal bed filled.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

57 Lacock Lock

Lacock Lock, falls 9ft. 6ins. Brickwork in good condition. Water at lower level.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

58 Milestone

Milestone on south-east bank inscription illegible. Wansdyke (Roman Road) crossed here. [Possible 4.5 miles to semington milestone Gary K]
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

59 Queenfield Lock

Queenfield Lock and Arch Bridge. Lock falls 8ft. Both exist and bridge is used.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

60 Queenfield Aqueduct

Aqueduct over 'stream, blacked, brickwork remains.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

61 Forest Brook Aqueduct

Stone aqueduct, working, in fine condition carrying 12ft. embankment over stream.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

62 Arch Bridge

Arch bridge extinct, ramp to north exists. Milestone on south bank exists, inscribed E.M. mileage illegible. [3 miles to Semington milestone. Gary K]
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

63 Swing Bridge

Swing bridge site, brick foundations exist. This took a green lane across canal to bypass Turnpike toll.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

64 Semington Junction

Junction of Wilts and Berks. Canal with Kennet and Avon Canal. Lock here, fall of 1ft 8ins. is extinct. Toll house exists 50 yds. along canal from junction. Over canal at junction exists an arch bridge to carry Kennet and Avon. towpath. Bridge arch of stone, now filled with concrete; Handrail of Birkinshaw type fish bellied rail from Somerset Coal Canal.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

65 NW Latton Junction

Junction at Latton with Thames and Severn Canal. Aqueduct extinct, carried North Wilts. over River Churn into Latton Basin. Branch rises to Swindon. Latton Basin 62ft. 6ins. x 200f t. x 7ft. deep. constructed of stone blocks.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

66 NW Latton Aqueduct

Latton Lock, exists. Stands on aqueduct comprising 4 drainage arches. Rise or fall depends on level in both canals.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

67 NW Thames Aqueduct

Aqueduct over River Thames (demolished). Footbridge remains. Originally 4 arches (brick)
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

68 NW Cricklade Tunnel

South entrance to Cricklade tunnel., exists, brickwork crumbling. Tunnel contains water and is blocked after about 50 yds.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

69 NW Chelworth Wharf

Chelworth Wharf, cottages and wharf yard exist.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

70 NW River Key Aqueduct

Aqueduct over River. Key exists "arches. Embankment. here is about 7ft. high and canal bed filled.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

71 NW Bridge

Hayes Knoll Farm Bridge exists (brick arch).
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

72 NW Arch Bridge

Remains of Arch Bridge by Newths Lane, arch and canal bed filled.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

73 NW Hayes Knoll Lock

Hayes Knoll Lock, rises 6ft. 1in., some brickwork remains, but chamber full of water and much overgrown. Canal extinct.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

74 NW Aqueduct

Short section of embankment is left standing at field boundary over aqueduct for small stream.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969

75 NW Purton Wharf

Purton Wharf. 3 cottages exist now rebuilt. Canal extinct, fields recovered for agricultural use. Route cross field to south-east to Moredon.
D.L. Banfield Survey, 1969